Friday, July 15, 2011

Catch up

So I've been REALLy busy lately, but finally have a few minutes to get on here. Everyone is doing well and Kaitlyn will go for her 6 month check up next Wednesday so we can see how much she's grown. She's close to crawling right now and can move all around the house. We gave her cereal for the first time last week, but she wasn't very interested so we will try again here soon. Other than that she's still a pretty happy baby most of the time. She loves to just be on the floor playing with her toys. Kierstyn is doing good and helps me take care of her. She would carry her all through the house if I'd let her. Landen had his 6 year check up the week after his birthday and is apparently the size of a 7 year old. He's tall for his age, so he obviously gets that from his daddy. He's healthy as can be and will start the first grade here in a little over the month! He's still very much into baseball, but his games are over for the season. So here are a few pictures from the 4th of July and then I will try to put a few up from Landen's b-day.

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