Well I'm just now getting around to updating this thing, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. It started on a Wednesday with Kaitlyn sounding a little congested and a cough. It wasn't too bad so I thought she was just coming down with a cold (and Kierstyn had been sick with cold like symptoms since President's Day so I thought maybe she finally gave it to the baby.) Then Thursday evening she felt warm and sure enough was running a fever. She got worse through the night coughing, so congested she couldn't sleep, and was still running a pretty high fever. I sat up with her in the recliner most of the night and let her sleep in her bouncy so she could breathe a little better and try to get some rest. I took them both in to the Children's Clinic Friday morning. I was pretty sure that Kierstyn had a sinus infection as her eyes were getting a little goopy and swollen again so the dr. gave her antibiotics for that. Before she even looked at Kaitlyn she walked into the room and said she was really concerned about her since she is still so small. She wanted to do the RSV test and listened to her. She had already decided she was admitting her to the hospital (even if the test came back negative) because of her cough, fever, and how she was breathing. The test did come back positive for RSV. She also had an ear infection so was going to get antibiotics for that. I called Justin and told him to meet us at admissions because they were sending her up to pediatrics for at least the night, but maybe longer. We got up there and they got us all settled into our room and suctioned her out. That was the start of a VERY long week. She was admitted on Friday the 11th and we didn't go home until the following Thursday the 17th. They continued to suction her out frequently, gave her breathing treatments, and about 11:00 that Friday night put her on oxygen. She was on the oxygen until we were discharged. They tried several times to wean her, but had to keep putting it back on, and at times, turn it up. I think we caught it really early and so she didn't get too much worse. By the time we left the peds unit had filled up with sick kids and were full. I'm told she can't get it again this season, but will be more susceptible every year to getting it again. The dr. yesterday also said that around Nov. or Dec. of this year there could be a new strain of it that she will also be more susceptible to getting. I guess by the time they are between 2-4 years of age, their body can fight it off a lot easier, but the real little ones usually end up being hospitalized to help them get over it. There's no medicine to treat it since it's viral, so all they do is treat the symptoms. So as I said, it was a very long week (6 nights, 7 days) that we had to spend there and we were SO glad to be back home. I missed Justin and my other kiddos, but thanks to him and the rest of my family, they were taken really good care of while I was away from them. The 16th was also our anniversary. It was a great day considering where we were spending it. Can't believe it's been 9 years already......time goes so fast these days!!!!
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