Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kaitlyn's 2 month update

Okay I usually take a picture of the kids on their "monthly" b-day until they are a year and then do one yearly, so since Kaitlyn turned two months old while we were in the hospital, this is the picture I got of her on her 2 month b-day. Anyway her apt. wasn't until Tuesday of this week so she was actually 2 months, 1 week, and 1 day. I chose not to get her the immunizations until next week since she was so sick and had only been out of the hospital for 5 days. I wanted to make sure she is 100% before bombarding her body with all of that. Dr. said she looked good and sounded good. She was smiling at him while he was listening to her lungs and chest. I told Justin she must have remembered him from all of the last week since he was the dr. on call and saw her everyday. She was a trooper through all of that and we kept getting comments from the nurses/respiratory therapists/dr.'s about how quiet and good she was. She cried a little while we were there, but for the most part just went with the flow. She's such a mellow baby and likes her sleep still. She was around 11 pounds and 24 inches tall. Other than that not much else. It was a pretty uneventful check-up (which was good, we needed that! :) We will take her back sometime next week to get her 2 month shots :( but that is Justin's department, I don't want any part in breaks me heart to see her go in so happy not knowing what is about to happen, but it's got to be done I guess. She's smiling all the time now and will "talk" to you thinking she's carrying on the biggest conversation ever, it's so cute. Her next check-up is scheduled for May 18th for her 4 month so we'll see how much she's grown then. Kierstyn will go in the beginning of May as well for her 3 year check-up. Can't believe my middle baby will be 3 already!!!!!

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